Resources and publications

Consent, the film:

Community resources:

Journal articles and book chapters:

  • P. Allard, C. Kazatchkine & A. Symington, “Criminal prosecutions for HIV non-disclosure: Protecting women from infection or threatening prevention efforts? in. J. Gahagan (ed) Women and HIV Prevention in Canada: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice (Toronto: Women’s Press, 2013): 195–218. [Full publication available at]
  • K.S. Buchanan, “When is HIV a Crime? Sexuality, Gender and Consent,” Minnesota Law Review 99 (2015): 1231.
  • I. Grant, “The prosecution of non-disclosure of HIV in Canada: Time to rethink Cuerrier,” McGill Journal of Law and Health 5 (2011): 7–59.
  • I. Grant, M. Shaffer & A. Symington, “Focus: R v Mabior and R v DC:  Sex, HIV, and Non-Disclosure, Take Two,” University of Toronto Law Journal 63 (2013): 462–495.
  • S. Greene, et al. “(M)othering with HIV: Resisting and Reconstructing Experiences of Health and Social Surveillance,” in B. Hogeveen & J. Minaker (eds), Criminalized Mothers, Criminalizing Motherhood  (Toronto: Demeter Press, 2015), 231-263.
  • C. Kazatchkine, R. Elliott, A. Symington, R. Peck, J. G. Betteridge, and S. Claivaz-Loranger, “HIV non-disclosure and the criminal law: An analysis of two recent decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada,” The Criminal Law Quarterly 60 (2013): 30–40.
  • C. Matthen & M. Plaxton, “HIV, Consent and Criminal Wrongs,” The Criminal Law Quarterly 57 (2001): 464-485.
  • E. MacKinnon & C. Crompton, “The Gender of Lying: Feminist Perspectives on the Non-Disclosure of HIV Status,” University of British Columbia Law Review 45 (2012): 407–449.
  • E. Mykhalovskiy (ed), “The Public Health Implications of HIV Criminalization: Past, Current, and Future Directions,” Special Issue, Critical Public Health 25 (2015).
  • S. Patterson, et al., “The impact of criminalization of HIV non-disclosure on the healthcare engagement of women living with HIV in Canada: a comprehensive review of the evidence,” Journal of the International AIDS Society 18 (2015): 20572.
  • A. Symington, “HIV exposure as assault: Progressive development or misplaced focus?” in E. Sheehy (ed), Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women’s Activism (Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2012), 635–664.

Relevant websites and organizations:
